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FasTrac NS GROUT is a high performance, non-shrink, cement grout that meets or exceeds all requirements of the Corps of Engineers CRD C-621 and ASTM C-1107. It is designed for a wide range of consistencies from damp pack to high fluidity, meeting the most demanding job conditions.
Use & Benefits
FasTrac NS GROUT is recommended for grouting of anchor bolts, baseplates, structural steel and pre-cast columns, dowels, etc. which require non-shrink, high tolerance, high strength performance. It is flowable for easy placement, adheres well to concrete or steel, and exhibits good impact and vibration characteristics.
Design Considerations
Pre-washed graded 3/8″ pea gravel may be used in applications thicker than 2″. In depths from 2″ to 5″, add 25% of the 3/8″ pea gravel by weight. For depths 5″ and deeper, add 50% 3/8″ pea gravel by wt. When grouting in hot weather, provide shade around the area to be grouted. Use cool mixing water and protect the grout from the sun for up to 48 hours.
When grouting in cold weather, raise the temperature of the area to be grouted. Preheat the mixing water and cover the grout to retain warmth. DO NOT place at temperatures below 40°F or if the temperature is expected to fall below 40°F within the next 24-hour period.
FasTrac NS GROUT should be kept in a shaded, dry area. At no time should the packaged material be exposed to moisture.
Application Instructions
Remove all dirt, oil or loose foreign material from any steel surface to come in contact with grout. Concrete surfaces must be sound and roughened to insure proper bonding. Concrete surfaces should be saturated for a minimum of 4 hours but preferably for 24 hours prior to placing the grout. Remove all excess water from the foundation prior to placing FasTrac NS GROUT.
Build the forms at least 1″ higher than the bottom of the item being grouted.
A portable mortar mixer should be used when mixing the grout. Start with the minimum water requirements. ADD WATER TO MIXER FIRST, then slowly add powder. Add additional water as required for desired consistency. See TDS Sheet for more information.
Application Temperature Range
40° F to 90° F (Hot weather placement procedures recommended above 90° F; Cold weather placement procedures recommended below 50° F)
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